Teaching Times Tables

How Do You Teach Times Tables So That Every Child Enjoys The Experience?

Times Tables aren’t everyone’s ‘cup of tea’. For some getting to grips with them can be a demoralising experience which can affect self esteem.

Everyone’s brain works differently and for some lucky children learning their Times Tables is easy, and they wonder what all the fuss is about. For others learning and practicing their Times Tables can be a frustrating and humiliating experience. An experience unless nipped in the bud can lead to a dislike of Maths and affect their attitude and achievement in the subject sometimes for life.

Knowing and being able to quickly recall Times Tables is crucial for mental maths challenges at school. By simply being able to recall a multiplication quickly without having to work it out everytime makes these tests so much easier.

Introducing The Times Table Town Stories

Meet Marvellous Mummy and her friends

“It’s a clever idea, well executed and the series has already been picked up by Norfolk schools.

The books are brightly illustrated making it far easier for children to visualise the answers to their sums.”

Kieron Pimm, Eastern Daily Press

 Maths Times Tables

To take a peek at more illustrations from the stories just click on these images

The Times Table Stories are available as printed books and videos and also as digital downloads.

Visit the shop

If you like Letterland your’ll love Times Table Town..

…. I read the books with my 7 year old Daughter, Laura. As we read through the books, she enjoyed the interaction and personalities of the characters, and could work out the maths. Each page of the story contains two characters – the times table character meets each number in turn, adding to the story and finding the answer to the multiplication.

The pages are nicley illustrated and include the answer, so, if your child learns better visually, they will remember their times tables easier. I think children who find learning times tables to be boring will enjoy these books, and they could prove very useful at homework time.”

Claire Whyte hometrain.ie  Home learning resources

“I use the Times Table Stories during numeracy club when the focus was on learning times tables.
The books formed part of many activities all aimed at improving times table knowledge.
I would recommend them as a resource for Year 1-3.”

MF, Primary School Teacher

“My group of dyslexic Y5 students were very enthusiastic about Angle Man. They loved the amount of detail in the pictures.
Perfect for visual learners!”

Clare Smith, Teacher

My grandaughter really enjoyed the books and each time she comes to our home she looks for them so we can go through the stories and learn more timetables. They were easy for her (aged 5) to look through and she remembered all the names, and laughs at Grumpy Grandad, she does associate the names with the numbers and I find it fun trying to use the books for her to remember her times tables.”

Sandra Hopkin, Sheffield

I bought one of the books from the Norfolk Children’s Book Center and liked what I saw.
So I bought the whole series. The children at my school really liked the fun aspect of them.
I would definately recommend them to other teachers and parents.”

WC, Primary School Teacher

To find out more about Times Table Town Stories and how they can help you Click here >>